Winter up date for Sailors Run 2022-2023

Winter of 2022-2023 in Mexico aboard the Sailors Run.

Winter in Mexico is very much like summer in most parts of the US and it is for this reason I find it easy to skip out on my New Mexico winter. Debbie escapes the winter for at least one month and this next season she is shooting for two months.
It appears we are living in very troubled times with inflation doing major damage to all Americans finances from the north pole to the south pole, and it would seem that it is not just happening to the western hemisphere. We are about one screw up from World War-3. It seems to me that a good work ethic is being frowned upon by a not so wise younger generation whom seem to be infatuated with getting everything for no effort on their part. The new generation is quick to sue with little thought of where is all this big money settlements are coming from. Perhaps if they realized they are the victims of their own actions they would not be so quick to sue. One might think about the incredibly high cost of free Medical insurance. Oh you wonder why I say that well think about how shabby that free coverage really is, things like where have all the good doctors gone and who is this person that is examining me now that I have waited 2 + months to see. Or how about the 45-minute wait in the office to see who ever this is.
Have you ever noticed how government officials don’t really seem to want to help you let alone listen to your common sense logic about things. Don’t worry they just don’t get it, they are actually working for you as your taxes pay their wages and they don’t believe like the private sector that really wants your business because they know you have no choice except them as they are it and its their way or the highway. So now you possibly wonder why larger governments are needed and should be a must on your wish list.
I have to apologize for those last paragraphs because as a cruiser I just have too much time to think and experience other communist cultures where this “crap hasn’t ever been good for anyone with drive and who wants to better them selves. It’s time for us to suck it up turn around and go back and make our country great again like what it once was the greatest country in the world that everyone wants to experience. Stop them from cancelling our culture and trying to indoctrinate us into a socialists soon to become a communist dictatorship.
Now with that storm on the horizon lets see what Debbie and I are doing to prepare. First we are up grading all old sails to new, new gimbaled galley stove, anchor chain, auto pilot, Dinghy, outboard, and that’s just some of the bigger item’s off the big list. We figure best be ready for what ever comes our way and we know a few very special places where one might fair pretty well under ex stream conditions.
Debbie spent a month aboard the boat and we had a blast in Mexico. Mexico still feels relatively safe and much safer than any large city you might visit in the US. Of course large cities in any country are better avoided than subjecting your self to those risks.
Prices are on the rise in Mexico and it is hard to guess when they will reach the tipping point and Sailors Run will opt out. Our most recent experience in this area was Marina Mazatlan, more than doubling their rates to become the highest priced Marina in Mexico with the poorest of Facilities. We realize prices must go up but it is foolish to raise your rates 100%+ in one year, but they did it and Debbie and I although loving the crew at Mazatlan we had to go else where to leave the Sailors Run in the Hurricane season.
I will return to Sailors Run late October kicking her into shape then sailing South from Guaymas to the Gold Coast of Mexico for another season.
Your Amigo Jefe’