Since Jan 23 until today, Jan 25th, they have been steadily moving towards Martinque, doing some motoring & sailing. Having no problems so all is well aboard They have 1,077 nm to go.
15’33 N-42’33 W
What they did do on the 24th, stopped the boat for 2 hrs where all 7 aboard had a mid-ocean swim time, saw no fish, no sharks just a refreshing time. He said Stratton, the young boy freaked out and Dan had to go get him, the others swam like fish.
Although when jeff dove in & when he came up the boat had moved away from where he was, so he had a hard time trying to get to the boat as he had 1/2 knot current against him about 200 ft away, so he swam like crazy & needless to say he was exhausted.
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