Hi Amigos.
Just a quick up date on the Sailors Run, first let me say that I have an Article on Heavy Weather Sailing coming out in the December Issue of Sail Magazine and this might be an article that you all would enjoy very much, so if you get a chance snag a copy of that issue.
My trip to La Cruz was somewhat trying as many systems needed attention and now that I have been on the hook for three weeks most of those have been addressed with lots of effort by the Jefe’.
The one thing that is not going so well is the leaking 10-year old AB inflatable dinghy. I’m toying with the idea of injecting it with closed cell foam and get rid of the deflate-able feature that seems so annoying at this time. This could perhaps add another 6 pump-less years to its life. Any ideas on this would be appreciated?
It seems getting chain re galvanized is getting tougher and more expensive all the time. My 300 feet of 5/16″ chain was pretty much rusting away in the center 100-feet. I have since disposed of the bad section and now have two-100 ft sections of chain, one that is stowed below amid ships and I have a 3/4″ Nylon road of approximately 400 feet spliced on to the chain and anchor. I feel okay about this as I know that there is little coral where I intend anchoring over the next 5-years, and you can always float the line with a buoy if need be to stay clear of such things.
I plan to haul the boat and paint the bottom in early December and I have decided to go with the Comex ABC-3 anti fouling paint That crap is expensive so hope it “works”!
Soon I hope to be able to sail and play for the rest of the winter.
Chow Your Amigo El Jefe’