Total miles sailed so far=1703 nm
Miles left to go to Barra=Approx. 300 nm.
Top speed so far on trip= 11 kts.
24hr.Run=160 nm. Pos. Lat.13*31’N Long.99*13’W
My conversations via SSB with David have ranged from pretty loose to down right serious talks. At one point David even suggested we pay and get a professional weather router involved. I nixed that idea, telling him unless the weather router could move us or redirect the hurricane it would be a waste. Basically, we decided to keep headed towards Barra where we could seek shelter and motor if we can’t maintain 4 kts under sail. I motored for 3-hrs and David powered up for 18 hrs. So as far as that race goes I think it is pretty hard to figure, yet I will keep reporting our positions.
It now appears that “Otto” will be nothing other than a remnant when it gets to us even if it does.
This sail from Ecuador up through the ITCZ has been the most pleasant I have ever experienced as there was no lightning close at hand and the squalls were pretty much without strong wind just rain.
My estimation that the trip to Barra would take 17-days appears to be coming true now that we are abeam of Acapulco, Mexico. The trip is very fast by any former info I have as I know one couple that sailed direct from Ecuador to Zihuatanejo,they took 45-days and that is a 100 miles south of where we are going.
I believe David is going to make an emergency stop in Barra to patch the cuts in the Genoa before continuing on.
24hr.Run=112nm..Pos Lat.14*13’N Long.100*51’W.
Today was a bit lonely being Thanksgiving and no family close at hand but that is the price you pay to wonder the oceans of the world, all and all it was a very pleasant day and the fried chicken made a great turkey substitute.
The reports so far on “Otto” appear to be as predicted although it entered the Pacific as still a Hurricane. We are praying and getting our “butts” to the north.
24hr.Run=89nm.Pos. Lat.14*21’N Long.102*07’W. Weather= Wind =0-12Kts N. Seas=2-3ft.N. Bar=1008mb. Temp.=89*.
Now after a strange night where both David and I motored it appears that he has retaken the lead and he has decided not to stop in Barra and sure would love to have one of “Victoria’s” Salads now as he is all out of fresh fruits and vegetables, not the case on Sailors Run but I know it takes time to get the provisioning thing down and even then we all “screw up”. I believe he is down to his last beer and then that’s it, thank god we are doing better on the Sailors Run, having been there not so long ago.
It appears Otto is dissipating and should no longer be a concern of ours.
Okay trying my best to go north with the wind and current from the north a pretty depressing situation when you are trying to wrap up the voyage.
Pounding forward the Jefe’