Total Miles sailed so far=13,662 NM
Miles sailed last three days=424 NM
Miles left to go to Cape Leeuwin, Australia=840 NM
Top speed so far=14.1NM
24hr.Run=137 NM. Position=Lat.46*08’S. Long.89*24’E. Weather=Wind=W.25-40kts. Seas=15-20ft. Cabin temp=48*-53*. Bar=1007mb
It seems amazing to me that we have been at sea now for “100-days”.
Today I dropped Main down sailing under staysail alone in 25-35kts. I pulled the radar screen off and opened it up looking for an obvious problem to find that the silicone rubber key pad seal was cracked and allowed indoor water fall to breech the seal, taking out the radar. Mystery solved, and all the time I was thinking it was the fault of my indoor waterfall. I loved this radar unit as it was small and required little power to run and had operated perfectly for over twenty years.
24hr.Run=145 NM. Pos. Lat.45*37’S. Long.92*42’E. Weather=Wind=WNW.15-25kts. Seas=WNW 8-12ft. Cabin Temp=51*-56*. Bar=1004MB
I am now sailing with double reefed mizzen and staysail with squalls about.
I worked over the wind vane changing out a servo rudder line that was showing signs of chafe and I tightened the two bolts at the bottom supports on the vane as they were working loose.
Next I dug way back into the drive unit on the auto pilot, and re soldered the three butt connection splices hoping to get it up and running, but no “joy”. I then pulled the E drive out to the center steering position and adjusted the heading to whatever, but once I turn it on it just retracts and shuts off. So I’m still looking for bad connection somewhere.
I am feeling somewhat better and it is a little warmer now that we are moving a little to the north.
Last night on the SSB radio I could not hook up to sail mail through Africa, as we are getting to far away from that area, but tonight I was able to get through Australia, although weak, it worked.
Today I opened my sealed container on my last 3.5 dozen eggs to find that the storm managed to break eight of them. They were well packed in there but when one broke the others got moving about.
24hr.Run=142 NM Pos. Lat. 44* 52’S. Long.95* 39’E. Weather=Wind=WNW.12-20kts. Seas=8-12 ft. Cabin Temp 53*59 Bar=1000mb
I have decided that since losing the drogue in the last storm, that in the next one I will drag my “Balls” off the back.
Now let me further explain that I have these Two Fiberglass Fishing Floats about 20 inches in diameter in a weaved line bag that I will shackle to 35 ft. of 3/8″ chain hung on the end of the four hundred feet of line, and I believe they will create a fair amount of drag. They are perhaps the only thing I could put out that would survive.
Sailing the ocean blue, “the Jefe”