After 49-days and 2hrs Sailors run arrives of the most rugged and beautiful Cape in the world. I can barely see it even though it is less than 5-miles away for the tears in my eyes.
I shudder when I think, I have once again been granted passage to this amazing place. It seems as though someone has caused me to linger along the Chilean coast as I beat my way to the Horn in Light winds. Being slowed by nature and forced north I got to see some of the most amazing sea life that presented itself to me as I “worried” my way down to the Horn.
Now I’m at last here which is amazing!! and I want to thank my wife Debbie for all her wonderful support and to all of our family and great friends for their prayers and emotional support in this huge undertaking.
I must thank Robert Perry for designing such an outstanding cruising boat, the Baba 40 ketch, and those of you that have donated gear, and money to help all this to be possible.
To all “MY Amigos much thanks”.
Now we rapidly sail clear of the Horn into the depths of the Atlantic and all it has in store for us.
The next leg will be about 3000NM to a point nearly 1000-miles south of the “Cape of Good Hope” at Latitude 48*south.
Position-Latitude- 55*38’S Longitude- 63*12’W.
Weather: Wind=20-30kts.NW.
Cabin Temp=46*-51*.